Monday, December 08, 2008

Spotify, one step ahead!

After some time using Spotify I'm really amazed. Not only almost all music at your fingertips at high quality, but also loads of funcionality, like Bios, etc. Well deserved they grow in popularity. If Spotify plays their cards right they will hava good chances to become the new music consumption standard online.

Saturday, December 06, 2008


Today is a big game. Barça Valencia on Camp Nou. Oto'o is well prepared for the game. His dress brings good karma. Last week 3-0 away game against difficult Sevilla.

Friday, December 05, 2008

Great Wishes by Great Works

In our agency we've finally come up with the solution on how to avoid Techno Stress on New Year's. Go to this site and send your New Year's SMS in advance and relax at 24.00.