I got this cute Barça mascot from Klas and Lin on my birthday in 2005. That same season (05-06) Barça won both La Liga and the Champions thanks to the mascot. Last year was a real bummer, but since we moved to our new flat and Antonio has found his new home in the kitchen we've won every game so far. Looks very promising. Nobody puts baby in the corner, but this baby will stay.
Found this one from last spring on YouTube. Me and some other smart people in the bizniz giving opinions about the New Media school Hyper Island and their students.
Wow, what a charming interview from 1996 with Karl Hyde from Underworld talking about marketing as the Devil of our society and about technology as a support to liberate the soul.
Nice book cover and interesting content. Mark Leonard presents some ideas on why Europe is the new Super-power that will change the world to the better by being friends with everyone.
This guy better be good as he's wakeboarding on one of the most polluted rivers around. A bit surprising as we were enjoying a couple of mezas at Sequoia.
Det snurrar i min skalle. Big underground hit in the non-Swedish speaking world too, even in Spain. Familjen sings in Skånska, the strange accent from the south of Sweden that sometimes resembles some funny kind of Australian accent.
30 minutes on a plane from Barcelona and you are on Mallorca. We stayed at Hotel Costa D'Or on the north-west coast which is one of those places you don't really want to tell anyone else about, to keep it for yourself (ego ego ego). But then I found it in Lonely Planet so what the hell... Go there if you like mountains. Photo: The Cookie
Joy Division in theatres soon. The trailer looks very promising. JD will probably reach a new crowd after this, which is great. Let's see if the suicide rate in Finland goes up too.
The guys in action during the ABSOLUT FASHION ANIMAL photo shoot. The final animation of Ennio Capasa's bottle interpretation can be seen here. Great work Ola, Ted, Erik, Brie and Maxi!
Futbolin is beautiful. And good practice for your hands and arms, not to forget my friend. This one I found at Vinçon in Barcelona. Isn't cheap but it's worth it.
Just came back from one of the funkiest rock'n'roll gigs in years. LCD Soundsystem at Razzmatazz was something else. When you think it's at its best, they accelerate even more. If you've seen them live: Lucky you! If not: something to look forward to. They are back in BCN again in July at Summercase.
Yesterday I got hold of the first edition of Rocky in Spanish. Written by Martin Kellerman and translated from Swedish by my ex-colleague Amanda Mansten. Great Work!