The Germans have done it again, with a little help from the French (Kitsuné). Galactic Lover from The World Dominations vs. Adam Sky have taken DAF and Stooges to the next millenium. Definitely No 1 in my book of 2006.
To honour the birth of Jesus Christ we play the yearly paintball before the Christmas holidays. In the picture: Chuck Chase, Nico Hairball, Henke Marky Mark, Mattias Banjo Player and Scarface.
After living in Spain almost 5 years I'm used to breakfasts like black coffee and a cigarette. After a stay at Fredrik and Mia's in Stockholm I was reminded of the breakie according to the schoolbook: Tea, Crips bread, Polarbröd, apricot marmelade, liver paté and cucumber, cornflakes, orange juice.
Afrika Bambaataa released Planet Rock in 1982 containing samples from Kraftwerk's Trans Europe Express (and other stuff from Ennio Morricone and Captain Sky).
The talented young guys in our office started asking questions about the beginning of electronic music. Since I'm so old and wise I told them about the Theremin, Robert Moog and all that jazz and not surprisingly I ended up praising Kraftwerk. Found this one, Die Roboter, on German TV from 1978.
Lots of talk about football + Stockholm in Spain lately. Last Saturday Spain was defeated by 2-0 and yesterday Brazil played a friendly against Ecuador at Råsunda stadium (2-1). Funny to see how hard it is to spell "Råsunda Stadium". The most common version is Räsunda, in some cases Rösunda and the best one so far is Rusunda - spelled like it sounds in Spanish.
One of the nicest bars/restaurants in Barcelona, Mut, is located aprox 75 m. from my flat. That I like. It struck me today that the Philipine chef not only is a really skilled one, he also looks really mean all dressed in black. If I only was a casting director...
Went to a nice birthday brunch at Maria's and Henrik's place. Maria 35 years, yihaaa!! Later we went "throwing sandwiches" in the Mediteranean Sea with Max.
Lukas, a friend of mine, was part of the team that made this award-winning documentary about US military investigation methods last year. The trailer is kind of funny but the film itself is really scary... and impacting.
Lying in my bed in an hotel room in Madrid chit chatting with iRooster. My sweet little digital friend who wakes me up in the morning playing my favourit tunes (and turning my Mac into the world's most expensive alarm clock).
I saw Steve Buscemi's Trees Lounge at Stockholm Film Festival in 96 and it was fantastic. Steve himself was there to present it which was cool. However it never got distribution in Scandinavia which was a real pity. Yesterday I downloaded it and it's still a great indie film.
Niklas, Henrik and Marco threw a housewarming party last Saturday. Lot's of talk about electronic music, internet's impact on film distribution and people with mixed nationalities. In the photo Jonas is trying to convince Niklas... don't remember. But it was fun.
Within 2 weeks 2 major hollywoodish documentaries are released on the movies and people actually go and see them. Guess that's a good sign. 1. The Planet2. An Inconveniet Truth
Went to see my aunt, uncle and cousin + family last weekend in the lovely French village Collioure. Bought a nice bottle of Banyuls, the local sweet red wine.
Ok, so let's take Kirsten Dunst and mix her with Oscar de la Renta, Alexander McQueen, Dior and some others and on top of that some New Order from the early days... Check out this podcast.
Today the strangest thing happened. 2 Japanese guys came crashing in to our studio and started tagging the walls while they were screaming and yelling "TYO, Tokyo, TYO, Tokyo". At least we've got some pics of them so we'll be able to identify later on. Yimmy, Yoko and Yens, could you please translate what they have written?? Arigato!
Karin, Tobbe, Elli, Selma and me in the Stockholm archipelago. Tobbe, one of the best dads in the world playing with Selma. Apart from us there were only 3 people on the beach... From Spain!! Me sentía como en casa.
August = Spanish heat peak. Going to Sweden to see my family is a good move. PansarBengt, Anne, Mikael and Helene enjoying an afternoon at Lake Mälaren.
A gloomy day in April in a deserted part of Sharm El Sheik this worker was cleaning up a former hotel or something. Or maybe constructing a new one. Was really hard to tell. The only thing that made us smile that day was a beautiful view of old blue and white Peugeot taxis.
Went to London to collect an award and with me came my dear friend Fredrik. Really he has nothing to do with our agency but somehow he has become a Great Works mascot with good vibes so of course he was invited up on the stage.
30 April 2006, The Swedish king turns 60 years old, yihaaaa!! We were invited to the Swedish Embassy in Cairo to celebrate the occation. Sooo exciting... but for Gods sake, the king wasn't even there!! We (well, rather "They" - a bunch of aprox 100 prominent diplomats and VIPs on the lawn) were singing "Ja må hon leva" for someone who wasn't even present, not even online nor on the phone!! Very surreal experience I must say.